Many restaurants and retail owners face the same question. What do you do with non customers who want to use your restroom?
Lots of restaurant and retail owners freak out at the prospect. They do not want non customers using their restroom. Many businesses post signs on their front window stating, "Restroom for Customers Only."
On the other hand, many retail stores take the opposite point of view. Lots of department stores pride themselves on having clean attractive restrooms. Lots of business owners believe that they should do nothing to impede non guests from availing themselves to the facilities.
It appears from my informal survey that most retailers and restaurants actually favor allowing non customers’ use of their restrooms.
I agree with those retailers and restaurants who have clean attractive restrooms available to all. It's all part of a better customer experience. I just know that there are going to be lots of people out there sending me opposing view horror stories!
I would love to hear your comments!