Thursday, April 15, 2010

Can I Charge Customers More For Paying With A Credit Card?

I am asked this question from time to time. The short answer is no. This thought comes up because of places Ticketmaster. Convenience fees charged by places like Ticketmaster are charged for the convenience of buying tickets online as opposed to at a ticket window face-to-face. You can give a "cash discount".

The link below is from Visa website, which has some information about the no surcharge rule. Please note that in some states also has laws against the merchant charging their customers surcharges for using credit cards. If a merchant attempts to levy such fees on their customers and it is reported to Visa, they may not be able to take credit cards going forward.

Please feel free to contact me if I may be of service to you or your business. Please contact us at or call 727-916-7294

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Ten Common Myths About PCI

What is PCI?

As you are probably aware over the past several years there have been many large credit card security beaches. To combat this Visa, Master Card, Discover and American Express has formed Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard or PCI DSS for short. As such every merchant has to be in compliance to avoid penalties and fines. A study conducted shows that compliance was lowest among small merchant. According to industry research by Verizon, 81 percent of the organizations that experienced a breach “were not Payment Card Industry (PCI) compliant”. In addition more than 80% of breaches since 2005 have happened at small merchants.

Check out the following link:

Please let us know if we can be of service to your business. Please contact us at or call 727-916-7294