Sunday, June 16, 2013

Mobile Payments, EMV & NFC

Mobile / smart phone, social and technologies are converging right now at a rapid pace.  As of January 2013 nearly 130 million Americans own smart phones.  It all started with the mobile phones, were now you can reach individual consumers on a person level to market your business and offer coupons and other incentives.  Those who hop on the mobile payments train early will not only find new customers, but will set themselves from the competition. 

Using smart phone technologies, sophisticated mobile apps are taking location based personalization to the next step.  For example some apps recognize individual devices and give customers offers based on frequency of visits and other loyalty-related data.  Others are building technology that traces consumer shopping habits to offer personalized recommendations and offers. Others can sync with your customer’s social media accounts to share offers to their friends.  This can help your business spread the word about deals and find new customers’ social networks.  Socially shared coupons can be a great way to spread excitement and brand awareness between friends online.  This is just the start and who know what the future holds for even better and more advanced than what is now available. Merchants must be equipped with technology solutions that extend far beyond payment processing, and broadens their value and ability to attract new customers and retain existing ones.

Now that you know the benefits, how do you take advantage of this?  We have a solution.  With the Genius Customer Engagement Platform from Merchant Warehouse will aggregate and integrate every conceivable transaction technology, payment type and customer program – both present and future – into a single platform.  It is engineered to eliminate other issues confronting merchant’s today, including security breaches, hardware limits and transaction fees.  With the uses of Genius will ready your business for the new EMV cards and NFC payments.  With Genius NEVER TURN AWAY A PAYING CUSTOMER!

If you have any question about this, please feel free to contact us at or call 727-916-7294