Monday, June 7, 2010

What is the difference between a void and return?

From time to time a customer will ask this. This is a very good question. Also the next question might be when should I use them? While most terminals are different and the keys on the terminal might actual use the text of “credit” instead of “return”, however the premise is the same. A void, will delete a transaction in the current open batch. A return or credit will credit back the amount your select to the cardholder’s card. An example when and how to use it would be, the sale amount was $10, but the clerk mistakenly ran the transaction for $100. The batch is still open that has the $100 transaction. The best approach would be “void” the $100 and run the card again for the correct amount of $10. When using a return or credit is the customer come back the next day to ask for a refund for some reason and the transaction was in a batch that was already closed. This would be the reason to select return or credit depending on how the terminal is set up as different manufacturers uses different tags on the keys. Also keep in mind if the transaction was a pin based debit, you can only use return or credit while using the card as a credit card. Void will never be an option with a pin based debit.

As always if you have any question about this, please feel free to contact us at or call 727-916-7294