Saturday, March 13, 2010

Are You In Compliance With Your Credit Card Receipts?

As disclosed in the merchant agreement and other notifications, merchants must follow the compliance regulations in relation to credit card transaction receipts. The card association rules as well as federal government legislation requires at a minimum that the receipt provided to the customer mask the credit card number so that only the last four to five digits appear on the receipt and completely mask the expiration date. In addition to the above minimum requirements, legislation in some states now requires that the merchant’s copy of the receipt also mask the credit card number and/or expiration date. Please be advised that it is the merchant’s responsibility to investigate which local, state and federal statutes apply to the location(s) in which they conduct business and to find out if any additional truncation laws apply to them. Although meeting these compliance requirements is the responsibility of the merchant, we are here to assist you in any way that we can.

It is imperative that you verify that the receipts being printed from you point-of-sale (POS) device that are given to your customers, as well as receipts that you keep for your records, follow these compliance requirements. Based on the trend that our industry has seen over the past several years in relation to this topic, it is very likely that many states will be moving to truncation of both the credit card number and expiration date on the merchant’s copy as well. As your merchant service provider, we strongly urge you to transition to supporting truncation on both receipt copies regardless of whether your state legislation currently requires you to do so. Because the liability of fines, assessments and associated costs to become compliant are the responsibility of the merchant, we urge you to take the time to comply with these requirements.

We welcome your comments. If we may be of help to you or your business, please contact us at or call 727-916-7294

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