As of July 1, 2010, Visa and MasterCard requires that merchants processing PIN-based debit transactions must meet the following requirements:
PED is a Pin Entry Device. PEDs currently in use must be either pre-PCI PED (Visa PED) certified or PCI PED certified.
All PEDs must use the most up-to-date encryption standards for processing debit transactions, which requires injection of a Triple DES (TDES) key.
In other words, the Pin-Pad device that you are using must be PCI-PED compliant.
OK. What is PCI? PCI is the Payment Card Industry. So, the PCI sets the security standards for how credit and debit cards are used.
A newer certified device automatically encrypts all key codes entered into the Pin-Pad device. Older devices sent the data over in raw format which is no longer acceptable.
To read more about the mandatory pin transaction requirements go to:
As always if you have any question about this, please feel free to contact us at or call 727-916-7294
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Monday, June 7, 2010
What is the difference between a void and return?
From time to time a customer will ask this. This is a very good question. Also the next question might be when should I use them? While most terminals are different and the keys on the terminal might actual use the text of “credit” instead of “return”, however the premise is the same. A void, will delete a transaction in the current open batch. A return or credit will credit back the amount your select to the cardholder’s card. An example when and how to use it would be, the sale amount was $10, but the clerk mistakenly ran the transaction for $100. The batch is still open that has the $100 transaction. The best approach would be “void” the $100 and run the card again for the correct amount of $10. When using a return or credit is the customer come back the next day to ask for a refund for some reason and the transaction was in a batch that was already closed. This would be the reason to select return or credit depending on how the terminal is set up as different manufacturers uses different tags on the keys. Also keep in mind if the transaction was a pin based debit, you can only use return or credit while using the card as a credit card. Void will never be an option with a pin based debit.
As always if you have any question about this, please feel free to contact us at or call 727-916-7294
As always if you have any question about this, please feel free to contact us at or call 727-916-7294
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Can I Charge Customers More For Paying With A Credit Card?
I am asked this question from time to time. The short answer is no. This thought comes up because of places Ticketmaster. Convenience fees charged by places like Ticketmaster are charged for the convenience of buying tickets online as opposed to at a ticket window face-to-face. You can give a "cash discount".
The link below is from Visa website, which has some information about the no surcharge rule. Please note that in some states also has laws against the merchant charging their customers surcharges for using credit cards. If a merchant attempts to levy such fees on their customers and it is reported to Visa, they may not be able to take credit cards going forward.
Please feel free to contact me if I may be of service to you or your business. Please contact us at or call 727-916-7294
The link below is from Visa website, which has some information about the no surcharge rule. Please note that in some states also has laws against the merchant charging their customers surcharges for using credit cards. If a merchant attempts to levy such fees on their customers and it is reported to Visa, they may not be able to take credit cards going forward.
Please feel free to contact me if I may be of service to you or your business. Please contact us at or call 727-916-7294
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Ten Common Myths About PCI
What is PCI?
As you are probably aware over the past several years there have been many large credit card security beaches. To combat this Visa, Master Card, Discover and American Express has formed Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard or PCI DSS for short. As such every merchant has to be in compliance to avoid penalties and fines. A study conducted shows that compliance was lowest among small merchant. According to industry research by Verizon, 81 percent of the organizations that experienced a breach “were not Payment Card Industry (PCI) compliant”. In addition more than 80% of breaches since 2005 have happened at small merchants.
Check out the following link:
As you are probably aware over the past several years there have been many large credit card security beaches. To combat this Visa, Master Card, Discover and American Express has formed Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard or PCI DSS for short. As such every merchant has to be in compliance to avoid penalties and fines. A study conducted shows that compliance was lowest among small merchant. According to industry research by Verizon, 81 percent of the organizations that experienced a breach “were not Payment Card Industry (PCI) compliant”. In addition more than 80% of breaches since 2005 have happened at small merchants.
Check out the following link:
Please let us know if we can be of service to your business. Please contact us at or call 727-916-7294
Saturday, March 13, 2010
PIN Pad Device: Is Your Merchant Service Company Taking Advantage Of You?
In the past few months I have meet merchants that have showed me letters and other notices where their current merchant service provider has informed them that they have to “upgrade” their pin pads, because of a mandate of the “Payment Card Industry Security Council” and the requirement date of July 1, 2010. Of course you must go thru the provider, because the pin pad is security encrypted based on the processing company of that particular provider. All of this ok, except the cost to “upgrade” is a bit high. One company is charging an extra $25.00 per month if the merchant does not call in and obtain the new PIN Pad Device by February 1, 2010.
While it is true there is a deadline of July 1, 2010, Visa/MC will not assess any fees until July 2012. In my opinion, these companies are using this as another excuse to extract more money from their customers, the merchants. It seems to me most companies see their merchants as an ATM Machine. If you of tried of this kind of treatment and lack of respect, please give me a call to experience a better service.
Please contact us at or call 727-916-7294
While it is true there is a deadline of July 1, 2010, Visa/MC will not assess any fees until July 2012. In my opinion, these companies are using this as another excuse to extract more money from their customers, the merchants. It seems to me most companies see their merchants as an ATM Machine. If you of tried of this kind of treatment and lack of respect, please give me a call to experience a better service.
Please contact us at or call 727-916-7294
Are You In Compliance With Your Credit Card Receipts?
As disclosed in the merchant agreement and other notifications, merchants must follow the compliance regulations in relation to credit card transaction receipts. The card association rules as well as federal government legislation requires at a minimum that the receipt provided to the customer mask the credit card number so that only the last four to five digits appear on the receipt and completely mask the expiration date. In addition to the above minimum requirements, legislation in some states now requires that the merchant’s copy of the receipt also mask the credit card number and/or expiration date. Please be advised that it is the merchant’s responsibility to investigate which local, state and federal statutes apply to the location(s) in which they conduct business and to find out if any additional truncation laws apply to them. Although meeting these compliance requirements is the responsibility of the merchant, we are here to assist you in any way that we can.
It is imperative that you verify that the receipts being printed from you point-of-sale (POS) device that are given to your customers, as well as receipts that you keep for your records, follow these compliance requirements. Based on the trend that our industry has seen over the past several years in relation to this topic, it is very likely that many states will be moving to truncation of both the credit card number and expiration date on the merchant’s copy as well. As your merchant service provider, we strongly urge you to transition to supporting truncation on both receipt copies regardless of whether your state legislation currently requires you to do so. Because the liability of fines, assessments and associated costs to become compliant are the responsibility of the merchant, we urge you to take the time to comply with these requirements.
We welcome your comments. If we may be of help to you or your business, please contact us at or call 727-916-7294
It is imperative that you verify that the receipts being printed from you point-of-sale (POS) device that are given to your customers, as well as receipts that you keep for your records, follow these compliance requirements. Based on the trend that our industry has seen over the past several years in relation to this topic, it is very likely that many states will be moving to truncation of both the credit card number and expiration date on the merchant’s copy as well. As your merchant service provider, we strongly urge you to transition to supporting truncation on both receipt copies regardless of whether your state legislation currently requires you to do so. Because the liability of fines, assessments and associated costs to become compliant are the responsibility of the merchant, we urge you to take the time to comply with these requirements.
We welcome your comments. If we may be of help to you or your business, please contact us at or call 727-916-7294
Daylight Saving Time Setting For Users
As you are changing your clocks in your home, office and car, there is one more place you should also take care of. That is your account.
If not already do so, I suggest to set change the time setting to check the "Day Light Savings". This will help to ensure proper settlement time.
If you need follow these directions:
1. Login
2. Look for "Account" on Blue Bar At Top Of Page, click account
3. Scroll to bottom of page under Business Settings, click "Time Zone"
4. There you will see "Use Day Light Savings Time" check the item
5. Press "Submit"
Now you are ready to log out. Please contact me should you need further help. Please contact us at or call 727-916-7294
If not already do so, I suggest to set change the time setting to check the "Day Light Savings". This will help to ensure proper settlement time.
If you need follow these directions:
1. Login
2. Look for "Account" on Blue Bar At Top Of Page, click account
3. Scroll to bottom of page under Business Settings, click "Time Zone"
4. There you will see "Use Day Light Savings Time" check the item
5. Press "Submit"
Now you are ready to log out. Please contact me should you need further help. Please contact us at or call 727-916-7294
Restaurant Industry Outlook Brightens in 2010
All is well. According to the NRA (National Restaurant Association), the 2010 restaurant industry outlook for 2010 has brightened. We can all celebrate.
The forecast projects $580 billion in sales which is a 2.5% increase over 2009. When adjusted for inflation, that means sales will essentially be flat. On the positive side, this means that things are better than the previous two years which saw decreases in sales after adjustment for inflation.
Restaurants represent 4% of the U.S. gross national product and restaurant employees represent 9% of the U.S. workforce.
"The past two years have been a very challenging time for our industry. While there are still substantial challenges ahead, we are encouraged that the outlook is improving," said Dawn Sweeney, President and CEO of the National Restaurant Association. "With a total economic impact of more than $1.5 trillion, the restaurant industry is a strong player in the economic recovery. Restaurants are the cornerstone of communities across this nation and we are a key player in propelling job retention and creation across the United States."
My unofficial survey of local restaurateurs who I know more or less agree with the outlook. Restaurant business is slow, but stable. Sales are slightly better which is far better than slightly worse.
To read the entire article go to:
We welcome your comments. If we may be of help to you or your business, please contact us at or call 727-916-7294
The forecast projects $580 billion in sales which is a 2.5% increase over 2009. When adjusted for inflation, that means sales will essentially be flat. On the positive side, this means that things are better than the previous two years which saw decreases in sales after adjustment for inflation.
Restaurants represent 4% of the U.S. gross national product and restaurant employees represent 9% of the U.S. workforce.
"The past two years have been a very challenging time for our industry. While there are still substantial challenges ahead, we are encouraged that the outlook is improving," said Dawn Sweeney, President and CEO of the National Restaurant Association. "With a total economic impact of more than $1.5 trillion, the restaurant industry is a strong player in the economic recovery. Restaurants are the cornerstone of communities across this nation and we are a key player in propelling job retention and creation across the United States."
My unofficial survey of local restaurateurs who I know more or less agree with the outlook. Restaurant business is slow, but stable. Sales are slightly better which is far better than slightly worse.
To read the entire article go to:
We welcome your comments. If we may be of help to you or your business, please contact us at or call 727-916-7294
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Change The Time On Your Credit Card Terminal
We have tried to cover the most common terminals in use. Every effort has been made to give accurate directions. There can be slight variations based on processor programming. If yours is not listed or if you do not wish to attempt to do this yourself, please call me and I will be glad to assist.
We also have videos for the VX Series and the PAX Units posted on our website. Here is a link: VIDEO LINK
We also have videos for the VX Series and the PAX Units posted on our website. Here is a link: VIDEO LINK
VerifoneVX520 VX510 VX 3750
From Main or credit sale account screen
Press the green button or enter
This should bring you to a Configuration Screen
Press the set up key normally the F2 button
Enter pass word: One, then the Alpha Key twice then 66831, then enter or green button.
(The Alpha key is just below the screen middle button.)
Press “More Button” far left button under screen until you see Date/Time
Press F1 button, then setting the date comes up. Being the date is correct; you can press enter to bring up the time.
Note time should be in military time format. I.E. 1:00 pm is 13:00
After the date & time has been enter correctly, press the red key several times to get you back to the main sale screen.
PAX S80 & S90
If prompted for pass word, it is the current date. Format is mmddyyyy
Select “Menu” Key
Select “Menu” Key
System Setting should be showing if so select “5”
Date & Time should be showing if so select “1”
Then you will see a listing of the current date and time
Enter current date if what is showing is correct, press
enter / green button
Then enter correct time.
Note it is military time, then press enter / green button
Should bring you back System Setting, press red key to get
back to sale screen
FD50 FD100, FD130, FD200 - EMV Application Unity Program
Touch Settings icon at the top right hand corner of the screen
Note For FD50ti is not touch screen so press 0 on key board
Touch or press number 3 to select Date Time
Enter current date in the format of mmddyyyy then press enter
Enter current time. Note use military time then press enter
Then you will see the settings menu again, press the red X clear button to return to main screen
FD50 FD100, FD130, FD200 - EMV Application Unity Program
Touch Settings icon at the top right hand corner of the screen
Note For FD50ti is not touch screen so press 0 on key board
Touch or press number 3 to select Date Time
Enter current date in the format of mmddyyyy then press enter
Enter current time. Note use military time then press enter
Then you will see the settings menu again, press the red X clear button to return to main screen
FD100 & FD50
From Main or credit sale account screen
Choose “system”, touch the screen
Next screen you should see “date / time”
Choose “date / time” by touching the screen for FD100 for a FD50 choose corresponding number
To take the curser over the time number you want to change use the arrow keys on earthier side of the “zero” of the number pad. Near bottom of terminal
Time should be in military time format. I.E. 1:00 pm is 13:00
Ingenica ICT
220 and ICT 250
Press the Function key, if it prompts for a password the PW is either 123456P (1234567F) or MW9416557
Then go to 0- Tellium Manager, and then to 3- Initialization
Select 1- Parameters and you will see the date and time prompt. Remember that this terminal runs on military time, and that the time zone must be accounted for
Ingenico 5100
Press the Function key, if it prompts for a password the PW is either 123456P (1234567F) or MW9416557
Then go to 0- Tellium Manager, and then to 3- Initialization
Select 1- Parameters and you will see the date and time prompt. Remember that this terminal runs on military time, and that the time zone must be accounted for
Ingenico 5100
From Main or credit sale account screen
Select Admin button (below the 9)
Choose 3 setup menu
Choose 1 quick set up
Clock should come up as your first choice.
Select edit and follow prompt by in putting date and time
Note time should be in military time format. I.E. 1:00 pm is 13:00
Verifone Omni 3730, 3740, 3750
From Main or credit sale account screen
Press the green button or enter
This should bring you to a Configuration
Press the set up key normally the F2
Enter pass word: One, then the Alpha Key twice then 66831,
then enter or green button.
(The Alpha key is just below the screen
middle button.)
Press “More Button” far left button under
screen until you see Date/Time
Press F1 button, then setting the date
comes up. Being the date is correct; you can press enter to bring up the
Note time should be in military time
format. I.E. 1:00 pm is 13:00
After the date & time has been enter correctly,
press the red key several times to get you back to the main sale screen.
Omni 3200
From Main or credit sale account screen
Press “More Button” far left button under screen until you see other set up
Press enter at which time a pass word will be required.
Enter pass word: One, then the Alpha Key twice then 66831, then enter or green button.
(The Alpha key is just below the screen middle button.)
On next screen press “More Button” far left button under screen until you get to date/time
Time should be in military time format. I.E. 1:00 pm is 13:00
Nurit 2085, 8320, Wireless 8000 & 8020
From Main or credit sale account screen
Choose Menu
Scroll down to “systems options”, normally number 5, press enter
The first option to appear should be “Set Time/Date”, press enter
Current date and time should appear, press enter which will allow you to input new info
Note the format it will allow. Example year will only be 2 digit or “10”
Time should be in military time format. I.E. 1:00 pm is 13:00
Hypercom T7P
From Main or credit sale account screen
Choose Function 11, enter
Note if Function 11 does not allow to change time try Function 10 or 12
Note if Function 11 does not allow to change time try Function 10 or 12
Pass Word: 0000, enter
Follow prompts.
Time should be in military time format. I.E. 1:00 pm is 13:00
When completed press cancel to exit and go back to the sale screen
When completed press cancel to exit and go back to the sale screen
Hypercom T7Plus, T4100, T4210 & T4220
From Main or credit sale account screen
Choose Function 10, enter
Note if Function 10 does not allow to change time try Function 11 or 12
Note if Function 10 does not allow to change time try Function 11 or 12
Pass Word: 0000, enter
Follow prompts.
Time should be in military time format. I.E. 1:00 pm is 13:00
When completed press cancel to exit and go back to the sale screen
When completed press cancel to exit and go back to the sale screen
We welcome your comments. If we may be of help to you or your business, please visit our website
Credit Card Terminals,
Time Change
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